How to Say Hi How Are You in Russian
Hi how are you. Which is a short version of Russian formal Greeting Hello then meaning of it will be informal.
Pye-rye-da-váî ye-mú pree-vyét at mee-nyá.

. ShortsSpeak Russian like a native speakerRepeat the phrases after the speakerLanguage Channel. Hello Privet Привет How are you. Oi priVYEtik kak nastraYEniye - Oh hey how are you.
You can also say как твое настроение or как Ваше настроение. Как у тебя дела. A relaxed and informal way to say how are you как настроение is used with friends and family only.
If you say Здравствуй. Im fine Harasho Хорошо you can also say. It is pronounced like this.
Здравствуйте is the formal command of the verb здравствовать which means to live long. Answer 1 of 16. When someone asks you how you are the best way to respond is with Хорошо спасибо meaning fine thanks.
How are you doing. Как у Вас дела. Some of them are.
U menya vsyo harasho У меня всё хорошо. Common phrases around the Russian hello Hello how are you in Russian. This is just a rule of declension in the Russian language.
You can also shorten this greeting to zdravstvuj If you want to greet someone in a casual or informal situation say privyet which is equivalent to the English word hi. Informal Ways To Say Hello In Russian. Among Russian men you often hear the slightly more rough-sounding Здорово Zdorovo generally followed by a firm.
Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword Codeword Words starting with Words. Give him my regards. The best way to say how are you in Russian is как дела.
If you bump into a friend you havent seen in a while on the street you could greet them this way. Usually after we say our hi and hello we then ask the question. GET YOUR FREE INDIVIDUAL STUDY PLAN.
Hi how are you. This is a more informal variation used among good friends. - Ой приветик как настроение.
Support us with a donation. Baslider nameHow_to_say_hi_how_are_you_in_Russian Здравствуйте ZDRAST-vui-te Formal greeting used with strangers co-workers etc Привет pri-VET Informal greeting used with friends family etc. The most simple and straightforward way to say hello in Russian is привет.
Instead of по-английски you can say на английском but without - there is no difference. Other common ways of saying thank you are как жизнь как делишки. 46 rows A small remark.
Kak dee-lá How are you. How to say hi how are you in Russian. Everyone chooses how it is more convenient to speak по- or на.
So when you say здравствуйте you command them to live well and long. It is an informal greeting and you can also use it as hi or hey. Sorry for my English grammar Unfortunately I cant give a clear answer.
To say hello in Russian use the more formal zdravstvujtye to greet strangers groups of people and people in positions of authority. The most common way to informally say hello in Russian amongst friends and family or colleagues of similar age and status is Привет Privet meaning hello or hi. How are the things.
This phrase that could be translated as Hi. Hello comrade in Russian. How are things is common between friends.
Передавай ему привет от меня. How to say how are you in Russian. It is pronounced as per IPA thus.
The most common informal greeting in Russian which also tends to ring a bell with non-speakers that can be approximated as hi is written in Cyrillic as привет. Another option is to say Нормально спасибо narMALnah spaSEEbah okay thanks. How to say where are you.
Say hello to him from me Receive new Russian words and exercises daily. More Russian words for where are you. That being said this.
As far as the use is concerned its a great greeting to use in every situation where youd otherwise use the formal you Вы in Russian. Did you know that there are many different Russian expressions that mean How are you. Make sure you roll the r if.
Learn the most common Russian phrases and words. Make sure you roll the r if you want to say it properly.
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